Wednesday, March 9, 2011

James, "This isn't a picture of his face", Brooklyn, NY

Who: James
What: cotton
When: summer 2007 (ish)
Where: Uniqlo in New York City
Why: I got it because I thought he kind of looked like Sufjan Stevens. I was actually thinking of getting rid of this shirt, but this guy I worked with at 30 Rock hated it. So I just kept wearing it to annoy him. Once, at a wrap party, we bowled for the shirt, and whoever won got to keep it. He won, but I didn't have another shirt to put on, so we tried to find another shirt for me so he could burn this one outside the bowling alley. We couldn't, so I promised I'd send it to him. Which I haven't--it's been almost a year. Every time I wear it I think of him and how much he hates it.
(In that game that guy beat me, but I beat Tina Fey. I told her, "well, at least I'm better than you", and she said, "that's not saying much.")


Jac said...

that is perhaps the creakiest shirt I have ever seen. However, I think fate has given you an holy edict; you must preserve the shirt.

Jac said...

and by creaky I mean creaky.

Jac said...

and by creaky I mean creaky.

helenb said...