Monday, October 25, 2010

Anna, Brooklyn, NY

Who: Anna, 24
What: cotton/poly blend of some kind (tag cut out, so it's a mystery)
When: 2005-Summer after freshman year of college
Where: Lord's Acre church sale in Ballston Lake, New York
Why: I love church sales, rummage sales, yard sales, stoop sales--basically, any opportunity for me to pore over people's old junk that they don't want anymore. I found this on a table amidst a lot of awful old lady clothes and knew I needed it. I chopped the neck and sleeves one hot morning before work, knowing I'd sweat too much if I didn't. The slogan on the front never fails to attract comment. Best was a classic-walking-past-construction-site moment; a friendly man yelled out "I BET YOU DO!" It's also got some pre-me stains on it, which makes me wonder who it used to belong to.

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