Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lila, Raleigh, NC

Who: Lila, 2
What: cotton
When: last month
Where: Old Navy in Raleigh
Why: Because that's where she goes, she's a product of Duke Hospital. I guess I should say she's a product of me and Ben, but Duke kept her alive after she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was just wee, three months old. She is now 2 years and 10 months, and two years cancer free. This was her two year remissionversary. We tried to tell her what day it was--in the simplest terms: we told her that when she was a baby she was really sick, and that she'd been healthy for two years, and where did she want to go to celebrate? And she chose Red Robin. She really likes their mac and cheese. Kimmy (Lila's aunt) told the the waiter why we were there, and the wait staff all chipped in and bought her a bear. Her name is Red Robin.

1 comment:

annie said...

she sure can rock a dollar store tiara. this is great. thanks, lady.
2 years--huzzah.