Monday, September 27, 2010

Ryan, Phoenix, AZ

Who: Ryan, 26
What: cotton
When: my wife designed it, summer '08
Where: Evanston, WY
Why: Every summer my wife teaches theater classes at an arts camp in Wyoming. A lot of the classes are for serious teenage musicians (like clarinet and violin student, not hopeful Justin Biebers). Subsequently, the 'camp t-shirt' in years past has most often been some sort of awkward WORD 97 clip-art image-like a cartoon man wielding a saxophone, or a balloon musical notes floating around the text. When my wife started teaching there, that all changed. She insisted that if she was going to have to wear a camp t-shirt, it was going to have to be a little cooler. So she offered to design them for free. The only payment she asks is one extra shirt to bring home for me. This one is my favorite.

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